Vacation Care
Excursion information
For all excursions children must be on-site signed in at 8.30am for 9.00am departure.
What to pack for Excursion Days
Your child will need a small backpack to take on excursions. Please no shoulder bags as this can be difficult especially with lots of walking. You will also need to pack a picnic lunch (inclusive of morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea) and a refillable drink bottle. Please ensure that you pack a Sun Safe hat, preferably with a broad brim and raincoat. Please no umbrellas. Please wear sensible enclosed walking shoes; no thongs or sandals.
Staff reserve the right to restrict activities if your child is not prepared for their day at the Centre with the above listed items. You will be charged for a poncho if it is required whilst out on the excursion.
What to pack for in Centre Vacation Care days
Your child will need morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Remember, vacation care days are much longer than school days so always a good idea to pack extra snacks just in case. A refillable drink bottle is also recommended. Please ensure that you pack a Sun Safe hat, preferably with a broad brim and raincoat. Please no umbrellas. Please wear sensible enclosed walking shoes; no thongs or sandals. A spare change of clothes is also a good idea.
No responsibility will be accepted for children’s property brought to the Centre. We suggest that any expensive or precious toys be left at home and all equipment and loose clothing be labelled clearly with your child’s name!
Healthy Lunch Box Ideas –Busy kids need a healthy lunch and snacks to boost their energy and help them concentrate throughout the day. Remember your child is welcome to bring HEALTHY food to be microwaved or refrigerated as long as it does not contain nuts, sesame or eggs.
Keep it fresh – Packing the lunch box
It is important to keep food in the lunch box cold to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria. Pack the school lunch in an insulated lunch box and include a small freezer brick or freeze a bottle of water.
Importance of Water for Children –Staff recognise how important it is for children to stay hydrated as they are constantly on the go throughout the day. The Centre has outdoor bubblers so children can ensure they have access to water to drink..
In General –
Late Fees: The Centre charges late fees of $25 per 15 minutes or part thereof, this is paid on arrival at the Centre or invoiced if you are a regular user. Please notify the Centre if you are going to be late.
Collection of Children from Centre: If a child is to be collected by someone other than the parent, a written permission form must be completed by the parent and given to the Centre prior to their collection.