Centre Forms & Authorisations
Asthma Action Plan
To be completed by all families with a child diagnosed as being asthmatic. Required at time of enrolment to before and after school care.
Link to: Asthma Action Plan
Anaphylaxis Action Plan
To be completed by all families with a child diagnosed as being anaphylactic. Required at time of enrolment, signed by a doctor. Medication and an Epi Pen will also be required.
Link to: Action Plan for Anaphylaxis with an EpiPen
Allergy Action Plan
To be completed by all families with a child diagnosed with an allergy. Required at time of enrolment, signed by a doctor. Medication will also be required if this forms part of the treatment plan.
Link To: Action Plan for Allergic Reaction
For families to use if they have any concerns or complaints they would like to raise with Management. Please feel free to talk through any issues with Sam or staff first.
Link to: Complaint Form
Expression of Interest
For families interested in seeking enrolment with us please fill out the following form and email it to us at warraweecarecentre@outlook.com.
Link to: Expression of Interest Form